Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

One World One Heart

Es ist soweit, die Reise zu den kreativsten Blogs die über die ganze weite Welt verstreut sind ist gestartet. Ich freu mich sehr bei der 5. und leider letzten Reise dabei sein zu dürfen. Man kommt dabei ganz schön ins schwitzen wenn man alle Blogs besuchen möchte, man trifft dabei auf alte Bekannte und Namen die man schön gehört hat aber es sind auch immer wieder ganz neue, sensationelle Künstler dabei.
Es ist sooo schön das man über alle Grenzen, Sprachen und Hautfarben hinweg sich gegenseitig besucht und sein Kommentar hinterlässt.

Mein heutiges "GIVEAWAY" ist ein Dealerbutton mit einer leicht bekleideten Dame aus den 30igern die beim Pokern Glück bringen soll. Er besteht aus Glas (Vorder und Rückseite) die zusammen gelötet wurden, und dazwischen ist eine Fotocollage, natürlich 100% design by Wienermaedl.
My "GIVE AWAY" is a dealer button with a scantily clad lady from the 30s which will bring good luck in poker. It is made of glass (front and back) that were soldered together, and in between is a collage, of course 100% design by Wienermaedl.

Wenn der Gewinner möchte kann ich auch eine Öse dran löten damit man ihn auf einer Kette tragen kann.
Gewinnen kann derjenige der bis 17. Februar hier sein Kommentar hinterlässt.

Wünsch euch viel Spaß auf der Reise

106 Kommentare:

Wienermädel + Co hat gesagt…

Das ist aber eine Überraschung, liebes Wienermaedl - herzliche Grüsse vom Wienermaedel!!

vintage wil hat gesagt…

This is beautiful ! great giveaway!!

froebelsternchen hat gesagt…

super sind die!

lg von Susi!

AlwaysInspired hat gesagt…

So fun!
Come visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway! I'm #50

Jingle hat gesagt…

This is such a great piece! Love it! Please stop by my post, as well! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Bettie hat gesagt…

That's a wonderful gift. I'd love to participate. Please come over and visit my blog.

Mila hat gesagt…

Hi Michaela!
Thank you for stopping by!
Lovely giveaway! Pls count me in! Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs from Italy,
Mila :)

#58 on Magic Carpet

Rosie hat gesagt…

Boah, die sind super

PetraB hat gesagt…

Oh la la - a wonderful and fun piece. If you have a chance, stop by and enter. Happy travelling!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hi! Such a beautiful giveaway! COUNT ME IN,PLEASE!

Join in mine, if you like ♥

peggy hat gesagt…

What a great prize !!
I would love to win.
Thanks for the chance and happy OWOH !!!!


Gayle Page-Robak hat gesagt…

Greetings!...So pleased to visit your lovely blog. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist and look forward to meeting a new friend. I hope you will visit my blog as well.

Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. Hugs, Gayle.

Grace Garton hat gesagt…

Hello from Australia! My mum is Austrian, I can speak it but not write it! Lovely to meet you and see your work. Off to peek at your etsy shop!
If you like to take a look at my blog I'm 112 on the OWOH list!

Loralynn hat gesagt…

Fantastic giveaway! It is so much fun seeing all the different types of things being given away and meet new(to me) bloggers! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Tumbleweed Trails hat gesagt…

Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Everything you make is so wonderful. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Healing Woman hat gesagt…

Hello from Roanoke, Va. U.S.A. I enjoyed visiting your blog and would love to win your beautiful glass collage. Please enter my name in the draw and come by to see me at number 92.

Cheryl hat gesagt…

Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts hat gesagt…

Count me in for your OWOH Door Prize Please! This is my first time participating in this great event! So Many Creative Bloggers Out Here!

Anonym hat gesagt…

What a beautiful giveaway! Your work is beautiful and I plan to visit again. It was great meeting you and this is a fabulous trip! Thanks for participating!


Blogs #22, #24

spikelikeart at gmail dot com

fortuitous faery hat gesagt…

maybe this will bring me luck at the casinos in atlantic city!

greetings from snowy new jersey!

Janine hat gesagt…

Servus nach Wien (meiner Lieblingsstadt)
Dein Preis ist bezaubernd, den würde ich gern gewinnen.
Komm doch auch rüber zu meinem Blog, ich nehme auch an OWOH teil.
lG aus Aachen

Micki hat gesagt…

I love the prize! I have never seen anything as unique as this! Please visit my Irish giveaway here;

Sherry hat gesagt…

Hello, it's lovely to meet you and see your beautiful glass button prize.
Thanks for already stopping by my giveaway - good luck.

Sherry from UK, England (OWOH#133)

Maggi hat gesagt…

Flying in from One World One Heart! :)

What a fun button! Thanks for a chance to win, nice meeting you!

You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!

Happy Blog Discovery!

Dymphie hat gesagt…

what a lovely collaged piece, i'm impressed you can solder, that's something I want to learn for a long time. It would be so nice to be the winner of your button♡ It would be great to have my name in your drawing ♡

You are most welcome at my blog
papieren avonturen too for my little OWOH giveaway

xox Dymphie (#160 on the OWOH list)

Martina hat gesagt…

Das gefällt mir sehr gut!
Bitte werfe mich in Deine Lostrommel und hüpfe doch mal bei mir vorbei.
Liebe Grüße
MARTINA aus Stuttgart/Germany

Gabriela hat gesagt…

Hi! I have 3 friends now in Austria!
Love your blog and love your beautiful giveaways!I look forward to learning more about you and your art!Gabriela OWOH #439

Cherry hat gesagt…

Yea! I'm so glad to be here and to meet you. You have an awesome blog, and I love the adorable matchbox! Come check my blog out sometime. Thanks for entering me in your contest!

Amy hat gesagt…

Greetings from Virginia, US. Thanks for your giveaway. Please feel free to check out mine.
Listed as participant #523 on OWOH list
avennett at verizon DOT net

Carole Burant hat gesagt…

I need all the luck I can get! lol Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win that gorgeous dealer button:-)

Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!!

Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

Marit hat gesagt…

It's so much fun to visit all different blogs and get to 'know' people from all over the world! So glad you played along with OWOH too - and make me discover your blog! Your giveaway is so special! I would love to hold this little precious jewel and see it in real life, so count me in for your doorprize please! Love from the Netherlands, Marit (#501)

marit at maritspaperworld dot com

bub hat gesagt…

Enjoyed visiting your Blog. Thanks for being part of OWOH .

If you have time stop by my blog

Dorthe hat gesagt…

Hallo, danke für deine besuch!
Your soldered glass thing, is very wonderfull- I will be so glad to winn.

Cindy Adkins hat gesagt…

How beautiful!!!! Your art is amazing!!! Happy OWOH!!!

Mimi hat gesagt…

Very stunning!

Please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway also! I'm #590.

hoerauf at comcast dot net


Digital Misfit hat gesagt…

That is definitely the most beautiful dealer marker I have ever seen - and I was a casino dealer for over 4 years!
Thank you for participating in the OWOH event. Please pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
hugs from ON, Canada

Lezlei Ann Young hat gesagt…

Oh please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at


Dena hat gesagt…

Hi Wienermaedl,

Fantastic!!! Love your Etsy Shop too!


#324 OWOH

CathyH hat gesagt…

Thank you! She looks like good luck!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at

Linda hat gesagt…

How lovely! It's been such a treat to "meet" you this way!

Ayala Art hat gesagt…

Greetings from California, probably the only place where it's not snowing in the US at the moment! :o)
Please add me to your cool giveaway! And thank you very much for visiting my blog earlier!

Lynn Stevens hat gesagt…

Its darling, sign me up please, #65 on the list, Hi I'm Lynn!

SusanLotus hat gesagt…

Lovely giveaway!

Welcome to my blog!
Warm regards

yoborobo hat gesagt…

Such beautiful work! I am going to visit your etsy shop. :) If you get a chance, come visit me, too (#278). Nice to meet you! I am in Maryland, USA. Hello to Austria! Pam

Nanbon44 hat gesagt…

Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway- Bonnie in Florida
Bonnie ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com
Blogs #566 and #567 USA

Quiltmoose - Dagmar hat gesagt…

Gefällt mir wirklich gut! Bitte wirf meinen Namen mit in deine Lostrommel!

Liebe Grüße,
Dagmar #88

DVArtist hat gesagt…

Hello from the Pacific Northwest USA! it is nice to meet you. I have enjoyed your blog very much.
Your give away is fantastic

just me hat gesagt…

wonderful, please throw my name in! R'Chelle

crafty creations hat gesagt…

Oh how I'd love to win this prize - its stunning I would put it on a chain and wear it all the time

Hope you are enjoying OWOH

Hilda No 177 UK

GraceBeading hat gesagt…

SO different from what I've seen so far, I LOVE it! I'd be honored to win it.

Thanks so much for the chance,
#399 - come see me!

Yvonne hat gesagt…

Greetings from Canada! Lovely blog you have.

Gale hat gesagt…

Hello from Oregon. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Feel free to stop by my blog and enter mine if you get a few minutes! :) Gale

Gen hat gesagt…

This is a lovely giveaway!

Please visit my page too:

carylsrealm hat gesagt…

Love this button! And would love it on a chain! :)
Very cool!
Caryl #270

Bleubeard and Elizabeth hat gesagt…

What talent you have. I love your style and this button is awesome. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.

manola hat gesagt…

Lively the OWOH!!!! Thanks to this game I can discover the other blogs as yours..

I am n°376....

Register I for this game and here is my blog:http: //

Good luck and cross a good week;-)

azviatx hat gesagt…

Ha! Wisteria Lane! I grew up in Texas and one of the things I miss about it is the gorgeous smelling wisteria. It doesn't grow in Arizona. So, you like a bit of gambling, huh? I noticed the theme in your etsy shop! And tissue boxes: is that for the tissues when you don't win at the table?!! I was also admiring the steampunk pieces you're doing. I want to try my hand at that trend but I don't know how to start. I get the concept but for some reason, my brain and my fingers are not meeting to get it done! I hope you are having as much fun as I am snooping around all the fun, fab-filled blogs. Tina (I happen to love a bit of risque art in my life!)

Unknown hat gesagt…

One World One Heart is such a fun way for all of us to connect. How I would love to own your lovely creation. Count me in:) Come by to see me at #234 when you have time:)

Donna hat gesagt…

Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. Please enter me and thank you!

CreativSpirit hat gesagt…

Greetings from Australia. I would love to be the lucky winner of your lovely gifts. Please come by my blog #9 and say hello.


Rebecca hat gesagt…

Hello from Massachusetts where we are under a lot of snow!
Your altered art creations are wonderful.
Blessings in the journey, Rebecca #393

Danielle hat gesagt…

How intriguing!

binafan at hotmail dot com

Unknown hat gesagt…

Lovely blog, count me in !

Kim Dellow hat gesagt…

Fabulous buttons. Nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

Carolyn or Connee hat gesagt…

Wow good wishes to you and good to me...I want to win your lucky piece....I need to win your lucky piece Please stop by my blog.
Carolyn Kight from Michigan, USA


Another email: (I like this one the best.)

NEEDLEWINGS hat gesagt…

Hello from the US (Ohio)! You have such a wonderful blog and great give away! I shall have to keep my fingers crossed! Visit me too #220 needlewings at

Deedra hat gesagt…

Cool buttons! Please count me in!

martha brown hat gesagt…

I love this (and yes, she is scantily clad, isn't she :)
Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)

Threads of Inspiration hat gesagt…

Greetings! Your work is great! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hello from windy England! I am wrapped up, warm and loving my blog journey. Thank you for letting me peek into your world, that is such a cute giveaway! Please count me in and if you get a chance fly on by #404 a warm welcome awaits!

Carmen hat gesagt…

I can see why she would be lucky :D What a fabulous creation! Thank you for the chance to win her.

Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)

OWOH #365

Francine Cronos hat gesagt…

Hello from California. I've really enjoyed visiting your blog. Your giveaway piece is absolutely fabulous. Thank you so much for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway.

Wendy hat gesagt…

Hello and so glad to meet you. Happy OWOH. Would love to be part of your wonderful giveaway. Please stop by during your journey through blogland.
Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland

Keisha hat gesagt…

Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha

Angie hat gesagt…

Hello from Louisiana, U.S., and thank you for welcoming me to your blog. Such a nicely done, unusual piece of art! Please feel free to visit me and enter my drawing also. Just click on my blog link, or I'm #625.

Happy OWOH to your!

Rostrose hat gesagt…

Glück beim Pokern? Ich kann zwar nicht pokern, aber dein Preis gefällt mir, und vielelicht bringt er ja auch Glück in anderen Belangen :o)
Ich werf mich also mit Schwung in den Lostopf!
Alles Liebe Traude

Willnnabel hat gesagt…

Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Jona Panesa hat gesagt…

oh, so gorgeous! please count me in your giveaway!

barbara r-g hat gesagt…

love your design and sure hope i win. thanks for the chance

Grace @ WhimsyLoft dot com hat gesagt…

Hello, I'm Grace from Malaysia. It's nice to meet you!
I'm also participating in OWOH 2011 and here is my link.
Please come visit me too!

whimsyloft [at] gmail [dot] com

s hyler hat gesagt…

I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing. Please stop by my blog #809 for a chance to win my door prize.

Michelle hat gesagt…

Lovely button and blog! Thanks for the opportunity. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant 598

Belinda hat gesagt…

Hello You have a lovely Blog ,Very nice giveaway!! Please come see mine,
My giveaway is a ooak bunting baby doll
Hugs Belinda

Lynne Moncrieff hat gesagt…

Hello. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog (Adorn #798)and becoming a Subscriber to my Blog.
I would love to be entered into your Giveaway, adore this style.

Just Jenn Designz hat gesagt…

How neat!

I would love it if you would stop by my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.

Marie S hat gesagt…

Hi Wienermaedl, I am so glad to stop by here on this OWOH flight.
Thank you for your wonderful blog and your scantily clad lady and can always use luck in poker. If you get a chance on your journey come by my place and spend a moment of you precious time with me.

Doreen G hat gesagt…

Hi from Canberra Australia thanks for allowing me to enter your giveaway and please come by my blog and enter mine.
Doreen #573

Leslie hat gesagt…

I love, love your giveaway creative! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Shariyah hat gesagt…

Hello, and thank you for offering such a wonderful prize! I love your little dealer button- perfect to "bust" out on our weekly poker night :) Please enter my name in for a chance to win! If you haven't already, stop by my blog where I'm giving away an original painting! Hope to see you there!
Peace & Love from New Zealand,

SharDon Exclusives hat gesagt…

I hope you are enjoying your OWOH ride! There are sooo many creative and wonderful ladies out there that it amazes me...

Joe Madl hat gesagt…

das ist schön! Danke, dass Sie Ihre Kunst!

i'm enjoying looking around in your blog. it's wonderful to meet you through one world one heart 2011!

i am participating for the first time this year and feel honored to have the opportunity to play along with so many creative people!

i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog, as well!

joe in montana

Jen xo hat gesagt…

oooh i love your doorprize, please count me in, thanks for stopping by blog and leaving such a lovely comment...jenxo

mitz hat gesagt…

...who will have the luck to become the lucky winner ?? I hope me.. thanks for the opportunity. mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

Barbara Olivo Cagle hat gesagt…

Hi Wienermaedl, I would love to win one of your beautifully crafted mixed media pieces. Count me in! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

Barbara Rosenzweig hat gesagt…

Greetings from Philly, PA, USA! What a lovely giveaway! Count me in.
I am a watercolor artist and photographer looking forward to meeting a new friend. If you haven’t visited me yet, please visit my new blog anytime (#864)
I hope to come back later to take more time checking out your blog.

Lululiz hat gesagt…

Oh la la, thats quite risque! What a great pendant for a necklace, though, I'd love to wear it. Liz (831)

janil hat gesagt…

LOvely button!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Greetings from Spain!!!

Anastasia hat gesagt…

A dealer button! How interesting :D

herebebooks at gmail dot com

Anna Circo hat gesagt…

Greetings from southern California. Love your amazing giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!

Pixiewinkle hat gesagt…

Greetings from NY! Please count me in and enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498

Everyday Kathy hat gesagt…

Am I too late?? If not please count me in!

Sunshineshelle hat gesagt…

I hope she brings good luck in poker ONLINE as well as casinos LOL! Anyway... Hi there!!! Great to meet & greet you, my name is Shelle I'm from Sunshine Coast Australia & I'm thrilled at the opportunity One World One Heart has given me to fly around the virtual World discovering so many creative artists & bloggers like yourself :) Home run now & I think I'll continue to visit bloggers on the list even after it's over, just so I can say Hi as the giveaway was just the catalyst :) it's so much more than that & for a newish blogger (me) it has been quite wonderful (& overwhelming LOL)! Please visit if you haven't already!! It's a marathon BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Mandy hat gesagt…

wow...a lovely giveaway...please count me in ...thanks for popping by my blog too...

LamoreAllure hat gesagt…

Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you.

I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, an upcycler, and
an over all creative adventurer!

I'd be honored for you to follow my blog!

Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I hope you can visit my
blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come chat
any time.

Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L

ziggy stardust hat gesagt…

what a great giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!


Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells hat gesagt…

Thank you for your generous giveaway!

And greetings from the Pacific Northwest where I am sliding in late and saying, yes, please add my name to your drawing!

I'm a writer who blogs at Book of Kells:

Thanks again for offering this wonderful giveaway! I'd love to win!

Wishing you all good things,